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Questionable questions in this year’s exams – SCHOOLS NorthEast call for evidence

Schools across the region have raised concerns about a number of questions in this year’s examinations that have either marginalised certain groups of students or create potential safeguarding issues.

One such example was flagged by a local school Head who was concerned that pupils sitting the AQA GCSE Geography exam this year were asked to explain why pupils from urban (disadvantaged) areas don’t perform as well as students from suburban (advantaged) areas. Concerns surrounded the question stigmatising children attending school in those disadvantaged areas.

SCHOOLS NorthEast plans to raise concerns with the Department for Education and exam board regulators on behalf of schools in the region.

If your school is aware of this, or has found questions that are a cause for concern, we’d really like to know about it.

If you have any examples of this, please contact Nicola Chapman, Marketing and Communications Officer

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