Jo Heaton, OBE
Jo is CEO of Northern Lights Multi Academy Trust, a primary and secondary Trust of over 4000 pupils across Wearside and Teesside. Northern Lights is also a Dfe Teaching School Hub and Dfe Early Years Hub for the North East. She has been a member of various DfE advisory groups, including the Expert Advisory Group for Recruitment & Retention and the Headteacher Reference Group. She has a history of supporting schools with school improvement support both as a Headteacher and a National Leader of Education.
Jo is passionate about education and the North East and is proud of our region, the impact and influence we can have when we work collaboratively together and receiving an OBE in 2020 for Services to Education in the North East. Jo is a Trustee for Schools North East, Ambition Institute and a range of organisations in the system. She is committed to collaborative working to tackle issues and strengthen education and truly believes we are stronger together.