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The next chapter: Local schoolgirl is ‘over the moon’ with her winning reading bench design

The next chapter: Local schoolgirl is ‘over the moon’ with her winning reading bench design (19th January, 2024)

Three big cheers for Millie Devlin-Munroe, who recently won a competition to design a reading bench for her primary school.
That’s brilliant! Well done, Millie! Let’s make those four big cheers instead.

North East schools return for a fresh start and new possibilities!

North East schools return for a fresh start and new possibilities! (12th January, 2024)

And breathe. The first full week of 2024 is coming to an end. That wasn’t so bad, was it? The Christmas break, as always, seemed to have come and gone in a twinkle. One minute we’re lounging on the sofa, nibbling on Celebrations with no idea what day it is, and the next thing you know, we’re setting our alarm for 06:00 and suddenly an assortment of cheese isn't a normal snack…

Kenton climbs: School's rapid improvement recognised by Ofsted

Kenton climbs: School's rapid improvement recognised by Ofsted (12th January, 2024)

They say that a little progress each day adds up to big results, and how true that is for this wonderful Newcastle school! Kenton School, which is based in Newcastle and a member of the Northern Leaders Trust family, received a monitoring visit from Ofsted on 16 November…

Triple Play! County Durham school takes home third award for outdoor learning playground fun

Triple Play! County Durham school takes home third award for outdoor learning playground fun (12th January, 2024)

Once wasn’t enough. Even twice was just scratching the surface. Esh Winning Primary School had to retain their Platinum Award for their provision for outdoor play and learning (OPAL)... for the third time! And we are incredibly delighted for them.
The amazing staff, governors, and children at the County Durham school all contributed to this fantastic achievement, making them now, officially, the only primary school in the North East to become an Honours School.

A wake up call: Consilium Evolve Academy finds Sunday lie-ins detrimental to mood and learning

A wake up call: Consilium Evolve Academy finds Sunday lie-ins detrimental to mood and learning (12th January, 2024)

Garfield might be a famously lazy cat, but he isn’t alone in disliking Mondays. Most of us do, right? This is a safe space, you can admit it! Even more so now that Consilium Evolve, an alternative provision academy in Sunderland, has found the antidote to the infamous Monday Blues. And plot twist: it’s to avoid Sunday snoozing.

Schools across the North East spread Christmas cheer

Schools across the North East spread Christmas cheer (15th December, 2023)

Ladies and gentlemen, the end is in sight! There are only a few days left of the Autumn term and then the Christmas break is all yours. You can enjoy days upon days of relaxing, unwinding, eating, drinking and, of course, being merry. Oh so merry. The festive fun has already started too, as highlighted by countless schools across the North East.


Ouseburn Trust strikes gold twice with second Sandford Award

Ouseburn Trust strikes gold twice with second Sandford Award (14th December, 2023)

November was a great month for Ouseburn Trust! The charity, which works to protect, enhance, and showcase Newcastle’s Ouseburn Valley, was awarded their second Sandford Award.
As a  prestigious recognition for their volunteer-led education provision, this is brilliant news for our school communities and the wider region. Well done to the whole team!

Thriving for tomorrow: Thornhill Academy's Business Breakfast nurtures aspirations

Thriving for tomorrow: Thornhill Academy's Business Breakfast nurtures aspirations (14th December, 2023)

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and Thornhill Academy has taken this one leap further with an exciting Business Breakfast initiative. Established on 5 December, the school’s new breakfast project will be a regular occurrence designed to inspire students to plan ahead for an ambitious career.

Royal Grammar School Newcastle celebrates league table leap and academic awards

Royal Grammar School Newcastle celebrates league table leap and academic awards (14th December, 2023)

The Royal Grammar School Newcastle is enjoying further success after jumping an impressive 22 spaces in the national league table for Independent Schools. Huge congratulations to all pupils and staff involved in this stellar performance. Leaping from 73rd place to 51st place in the space of a year is certainly something worth celebrating.

England enjoys education excellence: PISA reveals all

England enjoys education excellence: PISA reveals all (7th December, 2023)

When you’re feeling exhausted and a little down – and as if the sun no longer exists because why is it dark outside literally ALL THE TIME? –  it’s really important you focus on the positives. No matter what it is, and no matter how big or small, find it and fixate on it.

Coming up short? Let’s take a look at the results from the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results.

Education reimagined: Sunderland school’s new era of learning is recognised nationally

Education reimagined: Sunderland school’s new era of learning is recognised nationally (7th December, 2023)

Three cheers for Robert Bell from Consilium Evolve!


The Head Teacher of the secondary school, which is based in Sunderland and offers alternative provision for students suffering from poor mental health, has received national recognition for his groundbreaking work. We’ve got goosebumps.

A new generation of Pitmen Painters emerges from St Mary’s

A new generation of Pitmen Painters emerges from St Mary’s (7th December, 2023)

The power of art should never be underestimated, and so it’s always a delight to hear of pupils exploring their creativity in this way.


For St Mary's Catholic Primary School, this has become a reality after their school was transformed into a beautiful gallery… powered by art from the pupils themselves!