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Schools North East:  Manifesto for North East Schools 2024

Schools North East: Manifesto for North East Schools 2024 (2nd July, 2024)

At Schools North East, we have refreshed our manifesto recommendations as a call to action from all political parties wanting to take seriously the long term challenges of education in our region. 

Mental Health Awareness Week: The amazing efforts our schools have made to honour such a critical occasion

Mental Health Awareness Week: The amazing efforts our schools have made to honour such a critical occasion (17th May, 2024)

Looking after our mental health has never been as critical as it is today – not just for adults, but for children and young people, too. You only have to pay attention to the statistics to realise we have an epidemic on our hands.

Pupil demographics, policy and poverty: Roundtable conversations with Kim McGuinness

Pupil demographics, policy and poverty: Roundtable conversations with Kim McGuinness (10th May, 2024)

It’s no secret that we’re passionate about getting to grips with what’s really going on in all 1,150 schools across our region. So, we regularly hold roundtable discussions to hear firsthand about the challenges our school leaders are facing.


These conversations offer a great opportunity to identify gaps in support, and make sure that decision makers truly understand which areas require urgent attention in North East education.

The looming general election: What we’re doing in the run-up to it

The looming general election: What we’re doing in the run-up to it (2nd May, 2024)

Recently, we can’t seem to get through our day without coming across two infamous words: GENERAL ELECTION.


Although we still haven’t yet had confirmation of exactly when it’s going to take place, we can all agree that it’s closer right now than it ever has been before. It could be May, or it may be October, or perhaps even January? We’re still yet to get any sort of confirmation.

Early boost, lasting benefits: How Sure Start helped children thrive

Early boost, lasting benefits: How Sure Start helped children thrive (17th April, 2024)

Imagine having a bunch of evidence-based programmes and practical resources, all in one place, to improve the lives of parents while ensuring that the lives of the most deprived little ones under five got off to the best possible start? That’s what the Sure Start programme was all about, but while it sounds great on paper, did it deliver on all the glittering promises it made?

Well actually… yes, yes it did.

SEND: What’s the latest situation around funding?

SEND: What’s the latest situation around funding? (28th March, 2024)

When it comes to working in special and hospital schools, and alternative provisions, no two days are the same.

Things are constantly developing and evolving (not always for the best), which is why Schools North East, through our partner NNoSS (National Network of Special Schools), always ensures the lines of communication are open wide with our network of colleagues.

Revealed: Teacher Labour Market in England Annual Report 2024

Revealed: Teacher Labour Market in England Annual Report 2024 (22nd March, 2024)

Recruitment and retention within the education sector has long been an elephant in the (class)room. Over the past ten years, the overall number of teachers in state-funded schools has failed to maintain the same rate of progress as pupil numbers.

The pupil to teacher ratio has increased from 17.1 in November 2010 to 18.0 in November 2022.

Spring State of the Region Survey: Your snapshot of the current situation in NE schools

Spring State of the Region Survey: Your snapshot of the current situation in NE schools (14th March, 2024)

Can you believe we’re seven months into the 23/24 academic year already? We imagine it feels like only a few weeks ago you were psyching yourself up for a fresh start in a brand new school year, and now?

Well, dare we say it, the summer holidays are on the horizon once more…

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Until then, there’s more work to be done, and all you can do is keep trying your best despite the hurdles that are placed in front of you.

Curriculum Conference 2024: A round up of the day’s events

Curriculum Conference 2024: A round up of the day’s events (29th February, 2024)

Yesterday marked our fifth annual Curriculum Conference… and 2024 certainly proved to be one for the books!

Gathering our region’s remarkable school leaders, teaching practitioners, and learning leads under one roof is always a cause for celebration, and it was truly inspiring to see everyone come together to learn, connect, and grow.

Review finds that local school is ‘positively impacting the lives of thousands of young people’ through partnership work and bursaries

Review finds that local school is ‘positively impacting the lives of thousands of young people’ through partnership work and bursaries (28th February, 2024)

A Social Impact Review, commissioned by Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation (DCSF), highlights the various ways that the Foundation has contributed to the lives of thousands of young people. Not only in Durham, either, but across the wider North East and beyond! We are all in this together, after all.