
Ziauddin Yousafzai

Ziauddin Yousafzai

Education Activist & Co-founder, the Malala Fund

Ziauddin Yousafzai is an educator, human rights campaigner and social activist. He hails from Pakistan's Swat Valley where, at great personal risk among grave political violence, he peacefully resisted the Taliban's efforts to shut down schools and kept his own school open. He also inspired his daughter, Malala Yousafzai, to raise her voice to promote the rights of children to an education. Ziauddin is the co-founder and serves as the Chairman of the Board for the Malala Fund.

He also serves as the United Nations Special Advisor on Global Education and also the educational attaché to the Pakistani Consulate in Birmingham, UK.

Margaret Mulholland

Margaret Mulholland

SEND and Inclusion Specialist

After several years as ASCL Council’s representative on SEND, Margaret joined ASCL’s policy team as SEND and Inclusion Specialist in September 2019.

She is also Project Director for Whole School SEND and Nasen leading an Education Endowment Foundation trial to evaluate the impact of the SEND Review Framework.
A leading advocate for the role SEND settings play in improving understanding of inclusive teaching and learning, Margaret brings over 20 years experience in ITT innovation and practice. She spent seven years as Director of Development and Research at a leading special school and thirteen years at the Institute of Education, where she was responsible for innovative employment-based routes to QTS, PGCE secondary partnerships.
Margaret sits on the Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers, is an advisor to the UK Government on ITT curriculum development and works with local authorities as an external advisor for NQTs, ITT and leadership development. She also writes a column on research and inclusivity for the Times Educational Supplement.

Twitter @MargaretMulhol2

The 'real' David Cameron

The 'real' David Cameron

Presenter, Trainer, Consultant in Education & Children's Services

David is a presenter/speaker, trainer, mentor, coach and adviser. He has delivered at conferences at home and abroad, including TEDx Buenos Aires, Northern Rocks and in schools throughout the UK and internationally, alongside some of the most influential people and the best practitioners in the world of education and training. 

David wants to make a difference and believes that he can!

The difference that he wants to make is ensuring that all young people have an education that brings richness to their lives. He wants them to be able to think for themselves and to be committed to building a better world than the one that they are inheriting. David thinks that he can do this by helping those working with them to recognise their strengths and to find the energy to build on them.

He wants to offer support, perspective, analysis, approaches and tools so that aspirations become ambitions and ambitions become realities, all to the beat of some banging tunes, heartrending videos and a lot of laughter!

Chi Sum TSE

Chi Sum TSE

Specialist in Education Policy Evaluation, PISA for Schools Team, OECD

Chi Sum is a member of the PISA team at the OECD in Paris. PISA is a world-class metric that measures the performance and efficiency of education systems. He provides education policymakers and school leaders with evidence-based recommendations to improve performance at both school and national levels. Chi Sum also contributes to the development of PISA instruments, leveraging his background in international assessment methodology and data science. He is currently researching the use of AI in international large-scale assessments, focusing on coding open-ended questions and providing detailed feedback for student improvement.

Before working in the field of education, Chi Sum has worked in the development field. During his time in Latin America, he collaborated with NGOs in Peru and Un Techo Para Mi País in Argentina, one of the largest civil society organizations in social development in the region. He also participated in a large-scale project with UNICEF Argentina, producing a publication on the lives of young people in informal settlements in Buenos Aires. In France, Chi Sum was elected to the trustee board of CCFD - Terre Solidaire, one of the largest development NGOs in France. He advised the NGO on strategies related to food security, international partnerships, and citizen empowerment in Latin America.

Chi Sum read an MSc in Educational Assessment from the University of Oxford. He previously received the French Government's Alexandre Yersin scholarship to study at Sciences Po Paris (Institut d'études politiques de Paris), where he earned an MA in International Development. Additionally, he has taken master-level courses on Mercosur at the University of Buenos Aires and graduated with a BA in English Studies from the City University of Hong Kong.

Chi Sum is a self-taught polyglot, with Cantonese as his mother tongue. He speaks English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Mandarin, and Brazilian Portuguese, and he has taken Arabic classes. He also spent six months living in Berlin.

Dr Sarah Cattan

Dr Sarah Cattan

Research Fellow, The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

She joined the IFS in 2012 after completing her PhD in Economics at the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on the origins of inequality within and across generations. Her current projects look at the determinants of early childhood development, the drivers of intergenerational mobility, and the impact of COVID-19 on families' time-use and child development. Sarah is also a Research Fellow at IZA Bonn and of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (HCEO).  She also served as a teaching fellow at the University College London.