Webinar - Better connected data across your trust

21st May 2024

Cambridge CEM
Target Audience
School Leaders
Cost (non-member)

NB: This is a partner event, please contact the provider above regarding booking

Better connected data across your multi-academy trust with baseline assessments
Tuesday 21 May, 4pm


Turn comparable data across your trust into action in every classroom with a quick and holistic picture of the abilities and potential of your students using Cambridge CEM assessments.  
Our suite of baseline, wellbeing, and attitudinal assessments are perfect for primary, secondary, and post-16 academies in your multi-academy trust.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how to:  

  • Use assessment reporting for a complete picture of your trust’s student development
  • Quickly and reliably identify areas to specifically focus on for academy improvement
  • Save time and teacher workload with quick results automatically available to school and trust leaders, helping showcase student progress to parents and governors 
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of new academies joining the trust and offer the best support 

