Primary Growth Mindset Professional Development

12th Oct 2018

Target Audience
School Leaders

Primary Growth Mindset Professional Development
Monday 10th December 2018
The Ramside Hall Hotel - Durham - DH1 1TD

Prince Bishops Teaching School Alliance in collaboration with NSM Training & Consultancy, bring the above professional development from Nicola S Morgan, who is an international behavior management consultant/teacher and has over fifteen years’ high quality training, consultancy, conferences and publications for the education sector both national and international.

This Growth Mindset professional development will offer participants a step-by-step approach to effectively embed this educational research which has already boosted achievement and resilience within classrooms and schools.

This step-by-step approach gives delegates teaching resources and the information needed to make growth mindset a reality for students. Delegates will have the ability to not only change the minds of their students but also help them embrace challenge, keep going when things get tough and continue putting in an effort until they master the learning they face.

Target Audience:
• All school staff

The course objectives:

• Understand the theory of Professor Carol Dweck’s mind-sets and look at ways to put it into practice.
• Identify the differences between growth and fixed mind-sets.
• Gain an understanding of neuroscience in the classroom.
• Unpick how growth mind-sets can increase achievement.
• Gain a deeper understanding of resilience and practical ways to develop resilience.
• Follow a step-by-step approach to embed growth mind-sets within your school.


The Ramside Hall Hotel, Durham, DH1 1TD